May, 2023
Metro Youth Football League is looking to offer Girls Flag Football this Fall.
Here is the information that we have so far....
1.) Age Divisions
10U (Ages 9 & 10)
12U (Ages 11 & 12)
14U (Ages 13 & 14)
2.) Games will be played on a split football field (2 games per field).
3.) The format will be 5 vs 5.
4.) The game time will be 40 minutes with one ref per game.
5.) No helmet required.
6.) Girls will play in athletic shorts and jersey.
7.) The season will consist of 6-8 games which will be played on Wednesday nights and possibly on Saturdays.
As we get more information then we will pass it on. If you are interested then please registered below for one of these teams. Everyone will be placed on Wait List until we know that this league will happen.